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  • Hannah Reed

The Undeniable Ideology in Our Society

"Reflection #1: The More We Know, The More We See"

By: Hannah Reed

I came across an article on Fox News headlined, “Capitol riot participants claim USCP officer said, 'It's your house now': complaint”. This is one of many articles that have been released since the domestic terrorist event that happened at the US Capitol last week. This article (amongst others) demonstrates the very specific privilege and ideology that the people (that stormed the Capitol) hold. The domestic terrorists that stormed the capitol have enormous privilege that allowed them to do so. This being the fact that the security of the capitol was not at all “prepared” for the events that occurred. Capitol police were unarmed and nowhere to be found. Unlike various times over the summer, when they (Capitol PD) could be seen in full riot gear despite the attendance of peaceful protestors. However, when a majority white group decided to riot, loot, and steal they were called protestors and were met with a helping hand from officers.

This article emphasizes the ugly ideology that can be seen in society: white people are superior and have privilege that black and brown people in America will never be able to attain. Fox News referred to last week’s event as chaos, a rally, and finally a riot; but never referred to the people as committing acts of domestic terrorism. This is the complete opposite approach that would have been taken had this been a group of Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests. In fact, society acknowledged that had this been a BLM protest, they never would have made it past the Capitol steps. It was not until white people were personally affected by unlawful police practices and corruption that now these systems are being investigated. Yet BLM protests have been pointing out the corruption in police forces and in the justice system for years. Once again the actions last week, as well as the media coverage, continues to point out the well known but unspoken ideology that white people are superior and can do whatever they want without the fear of certain death.

The Link for Fox News article:

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